If you would like UNA Broward to review an event, please fill out the Programs and Event Request Form. The purpose of this form is so that UNA Broward reviews and votes on the efforts the nonprofit is working on. To better support the requester, it is important to submit the form with considerable time. The Board of Directors meets on the second Tuesday of the month, please consider that by the time you submit your request.
E.g. If the event is on Feb 15th, and the Boards meet on the 13th; you should submit your request on the month prior; so that your request be included in January’s meeting and UNA Broward has time to review, approve, and provide appropriate support and materials.
If the request is approved, the person responsible for bringing and overseeing the effort should fill out the Programs and Event Report Form, within a reasonable time post-event.
The purpose of this form is to facilitate UNA Broward tracking the efforts the nonprofit is investing in. The Board of Directors meet on the second Tuesday of the month, please consider that by the time you submit your report.
The content of the report might be used for promotional purposes, e.g. monthly newsletter, and news section at the website.
Please submit one report per effort. E.g. Earth Day events separate from attending Human Rights meetings.